I was driving in to work today thinking about why I have felt so…Off. Angry. Irritable.
I have been chalking it up to the tenseness I have been in with the surge of general pain (we suspect RA) in my hands, knees, fingers…
But I don’t think that is all of it.
There is a Blanket of Darkness on our world right now. So much hate and anger. So much distrust. Violence.
For an empathic person such as myself it is hard to filter and sort all the negative energies bombarding us.
The other day I had someone ask me if I saw something on the news. I responded with my usual “I don’t watch the news.”
Which, as usual, started the tirade of “Why don’t you?” “don’t you want to know what’s going on..???”
I can FEEL the negativity in the world, I don’t need to bombard my other senses with it. My soul takes enough of a hit.
Then this morning I realized something. The Blanket of Darkness is not complete. It has gaping holes of Light in it. It’s like a moth eaten old wool blanket.
There is light and laughter and love shining through if we just SEE it. And FEEL it. I see it every day in my own home. My children and my wife. I see it in some posts on social media (Even though I HATE social media..I REALLLLLY do….)
I am pagan and an empath. I FEEL. The catch is, feeling the light and dark of the world and balancing them in myself. Start small, and grow big.
Blessed Be, my friends.