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My love, My life, My wife.

As I talk to and listen to conversations out there in the World, read articles, watch TV *shudder*…I realize just how frickin’ lucky I am.

I hear snippets about how terrible someone’s wife, husband, spouse..what have you, are to each them. How often they are fighting. Things that are said. And I realize “holy SHITE, it’s amazing how lucky Anna and I are!”

We have our bad days, but hey! Guess what? We talk it out or just accept that we are GOING TO HAVE BAD DAYS!!! You live with someone day in and day out, you’re going to have bad days. What is happening though, is “OH EM GEE, SHE/HE HURT MY FEELINGS! /Divorce naow!”

Anna on the other hand beats me into submission and I acquiesce to her every whim. (JUST KIDDING!!!! I go willingly… 😀 )

Give me a break. Talk it out, work through it. Move on.

Sure, there are people that are gonna fall out of love, or have irreconcilable difference. It happens. But don’t flippin’ GIVE UP.

Edit: This is not to say that you should stick it out no matter what. If things really are not working, you have tried everything, then move on. Stop making yourself(selves) unhappy and miserable. I have a good friend who is going through something like this. When it’s time to move on…Move on.

ok…that’s all on this one.

Facebook, twitter, blah blah – PUBLIC SITES

I am going to step up on my soapbox here, and, remember …This is MY domain. I own it. I will air my own opinions here. This is not a public social website like Facebook. REMEMBER THIS as you read my rant. And please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. I typed this out on my phone on a 10min break)

FaceBook, mySpace, Twitter. These are all PUBLIC information sites. No matter how much you lock it down, it is STILL PUBLIC. If you have a flippin’ issue with someone, stop being passive and posting shit that is directed in a round about way to them. Send them a PRIVATE FUCKING MESSAGE or..hey, here’s an IDEA! Call them or email them.

In my personal life I have pulled that shit. I am now to the point, in REAL LIFE, that I give people one chance to come clean if they have an issue with me. I am not gonna follow-up, I am not gonna hound them. You got something to say to me, come say it. You accept me with all my quirks, idiosyncrasies, ass-holery, I will return the respect and acceptance. Be honest, be forward, and don’t effing stab me in the back.

I KNOW who I am. I know how I act. I am here. This is me. I will tailor a lot of my behaviors for some people. Not many at all though. If I call you friend, its because you have proven to me that you are willing to accept me. I will take that at face value, but the moment you prove you are anything less than honest and forthright, it will take a long time to gain back that level of trust from me again.

On Facebook, I don’t give a shit if you are a friend or family member, you pull negative crap on my page there, I will block you after 3 offenses. I have made my stance there clear. Got something negative to say, message me or email me.
Let me be even more honest: FACEBOOK is FACEBOOK! It is NOT a surrogate life game!! We do not have to add people. We do not have to add family members, old classmates, people we knew in passing. I do not subscribe to the “Oh, look, i have 4378947389174893073412.4547 friends! I am AWESOME!” school of thought. I subscribe to “ya know, Nick has been there, through all of our arguments, through my assholery, through it all. Yes, he is a friend and brother.” school of thought.

What all of this boils down to is this:
2) DON’T pull passive-aggressive shit. (some will argue that this is passive agressive medium. And, I admit, it is. Just not in a readily public forum.)
3) Don’T stab me in the back.
4) Be forward and blunt. I don’t play well with people that play games. Actually, it just pisses me off and I will ignore you and not talk to you.
5) A lot of folks have problems acting this way, and I accept that. But those that are my friends have proven honesty, usually in the dark, quiet moments as we sit and relax. As I said, accept me for who and what I am, and I will return the favor.

Loyalty and Honor

“Loyalty above all else except Honor.”

The first person to say this to me was my Dad. (THANK YOU, Dad.) I try to live by this code. Some call is anachronistic in today’s day and age.  I call it necessary! Too many humans today are more worried about ‘oh, is my hair right? is my collar popped enough? am I wearing the right clothes? am I using the right perfume/cologne?’ Not enough are worried if they are doing the RIGHT THING. …..

“The Right Thing.” “Loyalty” “Honor” “Duty”.  As humans, we would hope we are doing these, living these. Let me break these concepts down:
Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause (Yoinked from Wiki –
Honor is a primal code of behaviour that defines the duties of an individual within a social group.  (
Duty is a term that conveys a sense of moral commitment to someone or something (

“What does ‘Loyalty above all else except Honor’ MEAN though, Danuin!?” It means be faithful and support your ideals, friends, family, country. It means that we have the obligation to KNOW what is right or wrong and to follow that path. It means that if your best friend wants to commit a crime that you are MORALLY obligated to call them on it and help them through it. And if that friend goes through with it, it is incumbent upon you to make the decision if your HONOR and DUTY compel you to report it.

This will be a decision for EACH PERSON. You can argue all you want about the morality of the crimes.  This is a deeply personal decision that we all have to make.

Eh,enough rambling for the moment.

As I walk…

As I walk through this life I come across quotes, sayings, humor and sadness.

Recently my amazing sister-in-law Brandie said to me “You could blog about anything. I just think you have a unique perspective on things and a good way with words.”  That really touched me and made me start thinking.

It’s time to start putting down things I love and want to rant about. It’s time to start being positive and enjoying the things in life we have!

I have a disclaimer: If you don’t like what I write, so be it.  I am who I am. But, please, keep the comments clean and non-derogatory.  I know many people do not agree with a lot of my outlooks to life, religion, raising children (“OH MY GODDESS! PARENTS HAVE TO TAKE AN ACTIVE PART IN THEIR CHILDRENS’ LIVES!?”).  Those are the more serious things I will chat about.

So!  As I write and we move about this incredible world in our lives..Be thankful! =)